برم تايوان

Author : Plastics Industry Development Center (PIDC)

Author:Plastics Industry Development Center (PIDC)
In Taiwan, more than 98% of the companies in the plastics industry are small and medium enterprises. In order to assist plastics industry and accelerate the advancement of the plastics technology, Plastics Industry Development Center (PIDC) was established in 1993 and funded by the government and plastics industry.



【新唐人亞太台 2022 年 11 月 24 日訊】 第3屆塑膠產業創新論壇週三(23日)登場,今年以塑膠產業永續發展為題,推出2場論壇及技術研討會系列活動,展出超過100項的焦點技術,吸引塑化業者超過300位出席。 由塑膠中心邱政文副總經理於擔任座談交流會主持人,分享複材產品研發國內已具備技術實力,有賴各界合作,共朝創新高值產品如航太、國防等高階領域開創。天力技術處長王柏棋、塑膠中心博士張修誠,以及虎科大飛機工程系助理教授王正賢,也分享產業技術發展和關鍵人才養成。



Plastics Innovation Towards ESG Sustainability

In response to the global trend of sustainable development and net-zero emissions, the innovation in the plastics industry is closely tied to the three dimensions of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) sustainability. This has become a focal point of global industry innovation opportunities, and companies that can balance ESG sustainability while pursuing economic growth are now crucial.